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Dr. Jinmee Graham, Naturopathic Doctor
"This guide has everything you need to understand fevers in kids and how to support them naturally. So helpful!!" - Rachel Hearth
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Curabitur eu sodales nulla, tristique venenatis leo. Praesent eget enim vel massa bibendum pulvinar. Ut cursus a nibh quis euismod. Quisque semper, nibh vitae aliquam efficitur, magna enim aliquam justo, sed luctus sem ligula a lectus.
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The contents of this eBook do not constitute medical advice and are for informational purposes only. The contents within are not intended to diagnose, manage or treat any disease or condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not delay in seeking professional medical care or disregard professional medical treatment based on the information you read in this eBook. Always consult with your child's healthcare provider before making any decisions or changes to their health.